Between the ages of 17 and 25, wisdom teeth, also known as third molars, can start to appear. While these teeth may have been useful many years ago, they’ve become evolutionary relics today. Of course, that has not stopped them from erupting. Dr. Badawy is more than prepared to extract your wisdom teeth should they become a problem. If you experience pain in the back of your mouth and aren’t sure why contact our dental office to have your mouth examined and confirm the presence of wisdom teeth today!
Wisdom teeth are not inherently problematic, but in most cases, patients cannot accommodate more teeth in their smile once all of their teeth have erupted. In some cases, as many as four wisdom teeth can appear, causing significant problems with your bite and overall alignment. In other cases, wisdom teeth can become trapped underneath gum tissue or neighboring teeth. Impacted wisdom teeth can easily trigger an oral infection if left unremoved. This infection can permanently damage existing bone tissue and even spread to nearby teeth if left untreated. Dr. Badawy is fully-trained to extract wisdom teeth regardless of the circumstance in which they appear.
We’re excited to meet you and to help provide you and your family with a lifetime full of happy, healthy smiles.
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