While tooth extractions have always been a last resort at our dental office, we will perform them if they are absolutely necessary to protect your oral health. There are many instances where a tooth extraction may be needed. Whether it’s due to erupting wisdom teeth or severe trauma, Chittenango Family Dental does everything it can to protect your oral health from problematic teeth. If you’re in need of a tooth extraction, don’t wait to contact our dental office and schedule your next appointment!
While tooth extractions are typically a last resort at our dental office, there are instances where a tooth is so damaged that a filling, crown, or root canal treatment cannot save it. For example, if a significant portion of the tooth is broken down due to decay or a severe injury, it may need to be extracted. Alternatively, the mouth may not be able to accommodate teeth if there is not enough room. If a wisdom tooth erupts and causes your smile or bite to be misaligned, it can lead to complications later. Regardless of your situation, we’ll make sure your accommodations are met prior to treatment.
We’re excited to meet you and to help provide you and your family with a lifetime full of happy, healthy smiles.
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